Choosing The Right Puppy-Boy or Girl?

So many decisions to make … but one of the hardest decisions is sometimes-“Shall we have a girl or boy puppy?” Many people feel that girls make better pets, However, I am here to tell you that some of the sweetest, most devoted pets I have ever seen have been neutered boys.

Here at Stoney Hollow Toy Poodles, I have a number of poodles that are my “personal” poodles “who are my dear friends and close companions. These poodles are with me all day, every day. My closest companions and friends, they greet strangers, prospective puppy parents and friends with grace and decorum, never showing the slightest sign of bad manners-and they are all intact boys, usually working stud dogs.

These boys are attentive and eager to please. They have no personal agenda the way femalessometimes do. Despite the “girls are better” myths commonly bandied about, I really have to disagree. Always available, always eager to love and be loved, I absolutely have to say that in my experience as a breeder and a lifelong dog lover, boys make better pets.

I will grant that “intact males”-boys that have not been neutered-often display all the unpleasant territorial behavior that people dislike-leg-lifting, aggression, etc. which makes them slightly more difficult to handle as family pets. However, it has been my experience that if you would only have your little boy neutered at 5 months or so, you will eliminate those issues 95% of the time. Those bad behaviors are instinctive canine behaviors designed to let everyone know that this yard, car, house or whatever belongsonly to HIM! But, these behaviors don’t occur until the pup nears breeding age, when his hormones begin to kick in. Neutering eliminates the production of testosterone, the primary hormonal trouble-maker.

Should you have one of the 5% that still insists on marking territory, this is an easily solved training issue. As long as your dogs is trained, house-you are looking at a matter of teaching your male dog that the house belongs to you, not him. Simple, consistent correction if he makes a mistake will easily resolve the problem. All of my dogs are house-boys and are all intact-I do know that this works!

So, feel free to choose a little boy for your new family member-just be sure to have him neutered as soon as possible!

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